I am a Mighty Snail
I am a Mighty Snail.
I move at the speed of a snail.
I used to move faster but now I do not,
sometimes that frustrates me but now I know
my pace does not define me.
I am no less valuable because I am slow...
A Troll Called Petal

What do you think when you think of trolls? Bone crushing teeth and thunderous roars? Spits over bonfires with whole roasted boars?
Is that all there is? What else could there be? Is there more to trolls like there is you and me?

Baba Yaga

In the quiet hours of the morning before life begins to stir,
the ancient witch Baba Yaga emerges from her tall,
dark and mysterious gate.

She ventures into the world beyond casting secret spells
and unknown witchery...

Descendants of Mushrooms

A cluster of spores clung to a meteorite,
blazing through Earth's atmosphere, hot and bright.
They had traveled through galaxies far and wide,
squealing and whooping, they loved the wild ride.
The planet was pulling them in faster and stronger.
Their eyes were wide, it wouldn't be much longer.
They hit the Earth's surface with gusto and style,
creating a crater as wide as a mile...